
Welcome to ‘The Growing Butterfly’


Now before I introduce myself, let’s get things straight; this is not an ordinary blog.

This is a blog which is here to encourage you to embrace every single aspect of who you are and empower you to believe in yourself so you can lead a life that is truly meaningful and fulfilling. There is no stronger reason behind this whole blog than my desire to offer help, support an encouragement to each and every one who is struggling to find inner peace and happiness.

I am a very weird but wonderful human.

I have my quirks and I have my strengths, all of which makes me exactly who I am today.

This place of self-acceptance and contentment has not always been around. In fact, it has taken a heck of a lot to get here.

Never would I have envisioned my life turning out the way it has done. Like most people, I saw that everyone went through each stage, each milestone, and each experience at the same point in their lives. Of course there would be highs and lows, but in the end, we all followed similar paths and did what everyone else was doing in a certain order.

How wrong could I have been?

After battling anorexia nervosa and severe depression for many years, I know first hand just how imprisoned a person can become in their own body and mind. There is no clear-cut way of describing that loss of self, but I can honestly say that it is the most terrifying place to be in.

‘The Growing Butterfly’ is here to make a difference. It is here to create a positive impact on the way you view yourself, others and the world around you. I have such a strong desire to help others and help raise awareness for things that don’t get spoken about enough, or that hardly anything is actually being done to create change for the better.

Through my love for health, fitness, and wellbeing I create a wide variety of content in the hope to inspire you, even in the smallest way, to improve the way you look after yourself. So expect a lot of rambling, recipes and REAL talk from yours truly!

Really hope you enjoy what I have to share & look forward to growing with you as we both learn to fly free and truly believe we are capable of anything.

Love & Best Wishes



If you would like to find out how to work with me or just to ask a question please follow this link HERE.

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2 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi There,

    I’m following you on both Facebook and Instagram – kind of by mistake actually!
    But having noticed your before and after pictures showing your recovery, I have been inspired by your posts and your general attitude to life.
    I don’t have anorexia- but a weird stomach condition which has made eating really difficult and as a result I look much like you did in your before photos. But I am really hoping that I will be able to recover just like you have.
    And thank you for posting all of these personal things – it gives hope to people like me!

    I also just wondered here, when you were gaining weight- did you find that your stomach would not tolerate many foods and that your were very over sensitive to, germs, smells and temperature ? And are you currently vegan and gluten free ?

    Keep posting !


    1. Gosh thank you ever so much for saying wonderful things about this blog! Means an awful lot to hear back from readers 🙂
      Your condition sounds debilitating and challenging to live with, I do wish you all the best for a full health recovery lovely!
      Yes I found that I couldn’t tolerate gluten (I trialed eating it for a full year) and are still gluten intolerant currently but hope that one day I can try and integrate it back in to make life a little easier 🙂 – I would advise speaking to a dietitian about intolerances and how to go about it in the best way for you.

      Sending my love x

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